This is a world where scholars control the power of heaven and earth. With talent, poetry can kill enemies, lyrics can destroy armies, and articles can bring peace to the world. Scholars pick up their pens and talk about war on paper; candidates kill enemies and speak eloquently; Jinshi get angry and use their tongues to fight. The saints come and criticize with words and pens, and can kill people, judge the emperor as unjust, and fight against the country with one person. At this time, the Holy Court controls the literary position, the monarch holds the official position, the ten countries fight, the barbarians watch, and the demons make trouble. At this time, there is no flourishing Tang poetry, no flourishing Song lyrics, no innovative articles, and no new saints in a hundred years. An unknown poor boy, after being hit on the head by someone, wrote poems and lyrics that were handed down from generation to generation, and wrote articles that shocked the saints, embarking on the road to becoming a saint. Thanks to the official book review team of Yuewen for providing book review support! Author's Other NovelsLife HunterWorld of Gods